Here you will find some tutorial video that will help you getting started with PaC-DK. You can also download the tutorialpack which contains some images and sounds for creating a basic testproject.
Both basic tutorials are strongly recommended.
All videos are in german with english subtitles..

Basic Projectfile   Basic Gfx Taskbar Gfx   Coin Gfx Custommenu Gfx

Tutorial Packs

A few simple images and sounds to build a simple testproject... in case you need some.

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Round Tour

This video is meant to be an introduction to PaC-DK, its functions and windows.

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Basics 1

Shows how to create your first room and character and how to get a game started.

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Basics 2

Once your first project runs you need to add some stuff to interact with. In this video we will create a key, open a door with it and enter a second room.

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Shows how to build a custom menu that replaces the default ingame menu.

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Shows how to build a coinmenu (Basicly a popup menu that opens when you click the right mousebutton)

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The taskbar

Shows how to create a classic point & click GUI with commandbuttons and an inventory.